Country: Sweden
year: 2019
estimated length: 72 min./58 min.
directors: Marta Dauliūtė, Viktorija Šiaulytė
script: Marta Dauliūtė, Viktorija Šiaulytė
producer(s)Marta Dauliūtė, Viktorija Šiaulytė, Elisabeth Marjanović Cronvall
DOP: Elisabeth Marjanović Cronvall
The theme of “Good Life” develops through presentation of a startup company and collective house for entrepreneurs in Stockholm, Sweden. It is a prototype that seeks to prove that it is possible to decrease the human need for private living space in exchange for their increased well-being. We observed this experiment filming scenes of community meetings, self-leadership program, models in 3D software, collecting intimate shots made by the inhabitants themselves and conducting deep interviews covering the whole range of hierarchy within the house – from resident entrepreneurs to venture capitalists. The house is interpreted in the film as a metaphor for the life conditions of our own millennial generation. We reflect upon our experience of the entrepreneurial collective through our dialogue with each other, a ‘conversation-over’. An equally important perspective is added by the material of other entrepreneurship-empowering solutions from the startup ecosystems of Stockholm, Berlin and San Francisco, filmed during the period of 2015 – 2018. The development of the film is structured by the dynamics between the overflowing enthusiasm for entrepreneurial lifestyle, the persistent marketing language of sharing economy that constantly uses collective as the main incentive, our subjects’ perception of our camera as a spontaneous opportunity for promotion, and our personal ambition to dissect the entrepreneurial narrative with a dialogue. The development of “Good Life” has been supported by Swedish Film Institute, Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Kulturbryggan and Film Stockholm.